
dRunKen MasTer

My bestfriend Paolo and I went out two saturdays ago..
we went to some bars in Alabang... but before that we had an argument
about some petty things that lead us to decide to talk and went out for a couple of drinks..well, anyways, to make the long story short,. we still argue (a bit) while we
were drinking.. until he got kinda tipsy and drunk.. what's funny was that he
fell asleep on our table, i was trying to wake him up for like 30 long minutes from the time he slept but nothing happend.. i got bored, so i decide to take a picture of him (unbeknownst to him,of course..till this very moment) coz i know he'll be furious (he doesnt want his pix to be taken, when he's drunk).. but there's nothing he can do.. this is my blogsite.. i can do anything i want... wahahahahaha!!!(sorry Chog)

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