

haaayy... that's all i can say about this day... im sitting here in my pod at the office waiting for calls, i dont know, but i feel so bored today, its the end of the week, i should be all pumped-up and ready to party.. but i dont know what's with me.. well, come to think of it, it was a really bad week(well not really that bad but...) or should i say... kinda sad week for me, because of a number of reasons... first... two of my friends left for Singapore for greener pasteur, actually that's totally fine with me because it'll do great things for their future, but.. the sad part is.. we actually planned that together, but for some certain mishaps, i wasnt able to go with them, maybe Singapore was just not for me.. hope there's a better opportunity someday.. secondly.. a new found friend from the office got terminated , it was really sad because we were just beginning to be close then all of a sudden he is gone,.. again, looking to the bright side of things, im thinking maybe this job was not meant for him... With all of those things that happened this week, i have learned to realize something.. nothing is permanent.. it is such a cliche, but again it is true.. some things are not meant to last.. people and things may come and go.. one minute youre happy, the next thing youre blue... but still with all of these unpredictable happenings i'd say.. resiliency is the best policy (hehehe).. learn to move on on but DO NOT move away.. coz there might be better things that will come our way.. as the saying goes.. the tunnel has a brighter light on the other side.. its a good life after all... im going to enjoy this weekend.

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