

things that i do not want to happen in my 2011:

- i want to find a new love again, but i dont want to fall head over heels to that person anymore... i have learned my lessons well.

- i dont want to lose any of my friends anymore just like what happened in 2010, but rather keep my close-ties to the ones i have left now... i want my friendship with them to last a lifetime.

- i dont want to do stupid mistakes again, but i really want to pick up things that these experiences brought me... life is a matter of trial and error.

- i dont want to spend my money for things that i dont necessarilly need, ill be a wise-shopper this year rather than an impulsive one.

- i do not want to eat junk food anymore, i promise to keep myself healthy by choosing the right meal.

- i do not want to a bitch, ill stay calm at situations that i think i cant handle... i know that im better than that.

- i dont want to stay uplate on weekdays so that i wont be late for work.

- i dont want to procrastinate. ill do my very best to finish everything that i need to for the day.

- i do not want to misplace my wallet again, ill promise to look after my things, afterall its my responsibility. i dont want to be 'burara' anymore.

- i dont want to deal with too much stress.

- i do not want to just say YES at times when i have to say NO, there's really nothing wrong with that.


- i do not want to live with regrets, from now on ill do what i want, ill say what i want and get what it is that i want.. just make sure that i wont be stepping on anybody's shoes along the way..

I will be happy =-)

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