

since wednesday this week i have been receiving text messages from my friends greeting me an advance happy birthday, asking where ill be celebrating my 34th and some planning a small celebration for me too.  my heart was really overwhelmed by all of this, most of my friends knew that im not planning anything for my birthday but the next few days was something i wasnt expecting...

my friend Rodge personally went to our house but too bad i wasnt there, he dropped a gift from my fave Forever21, a really cute blue shirt. few days before that, Gel my drinking-buddy and dearest friend also gave me something from there.

on wednesday night, i met up with my friends Glenys, Jay, Gel, Eric, Mimi, Cresky, and Anna after they had dinner in Bagnet and decided to have a couple of drinks in Makati,  we got a bit ''bitin'' so we raid Mimi's house, bought couple of bottles more, had a little sharing of ghosts stories and went home at around 7am...whew!

thursday came, i was with Gel in LasPinas just to get some of my stuff from her but eventually she insisted on indulging ourselves for a little Margarita but turns out it was a Boracay Sling, we stayed until 12 midnight to welcome my official day..

yesterday was a blast!!!! i wasnt expecting everything that happened. my birthday was packed and fun-filled... woke up at around 7am and found 86 unread messages on my phone, i was really touched by all the greetings especially  from those friends i havent had any communication with for quite sometime.

after replying to their messages, i had my breakfast alone, texted my bestfriend Shae since ill be meeting her for lunch (her treat by the way! hahah)... i opened my Facebook and there's tons of messages on my Inbox and some wrote on my wall, i didnt reply immediately to them coz i only have an hour to prepare and go to Ortigas where ill be meeting Shae, we agreed to wait for each other in Megamall, and have a bottle each of beer after our lunch.

around 5pm while riding the bus heading home, my phone rang, it was Glenys with his hubby Jay calling me and asking to come join them and some of our other friends for a movie, they're planning Red Riding Hood, its going to serve as their gift for me, i was hesitant at first but Jay convinced me since he said that it'll also be a celebration of his 28th birthday following mine.

at exactly 9 in the evening i left home going straight to Makati to meet everyone, had dinner at Bagnet (our fave, as always!) instead of a movie since we are time-constrained due to the "salubong" celebration of Jay a few hours after our sumptuous meal...we shared our toasts of 'Badtrip' and 'sisig' at Central Makati, jumped to another place along Pasong Tamo then went to Petron as we are not yet satisfied with our booze intake. around 7am, we're all tipsy, decided to have breakfast of sizzling steak and went home at around 9... whew! long long day it was but the fun never stopped..

that was all soooo memorable for me... thanks to all of my friends who made it all happened.. my 34th was a blast and im looking forward for next year heheheh...

i only have one wish... and that's....... =(

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