

i got really drunk last night.

'was talking to Gel about something (!) then suddenly i found myself crying really hard, Gel went to hug me, to calm me down... it was kinda embarrassing but it was a good cry.. =)


since wednesday this week i have been receiving text messages from my friends greeting me an advance happy birthday, asking where ill be celebrating my 34th and some planning a small celebration for me too.  my heart was really overwhelmed by all of this, most of my friends knew that im not planning anything for my birthday but the next few days was something i wasnt expecting...

my friend Rodge personally went to our house but too bad i wasnt there, he dropped a gift from my fave Forever21, a really cute blue shirt. few days before that, Gel my drinking-buddy and dearest friend also gave me something from there.

on wednesday night, i met up with my friends Glenys, Jay, Gel, Eric, Mimi, Cresky, and Anna after they had dinner in Bagnet and decided to have a couple of drinks in Makati,  we got a bit ''bitin'' so we raid Mimi's house, bought couple of bottles more, had a little sharing of ghosts stories and went home at around 7am...whew!

thursday came, i was with Gel in LasPinas just to get some of my stuff from her but eventually she insisted on indulging ourselves for a little Margarita but turns out it was a Boracay Sling, we stayed until 12 midnight to welcome my official day..

yesterday was a blast!!!! i wasnt expecting everything that happened. my birthday was packed and fun-filled... woke up at around 7am and found 86 unread messages on my phone, i was really touched by all the greetings especially  from those friends i havent had any communication with for quite sometime.

after replying to their messages, i had my breakfast alone, texted my bestfriend Shae since ill be meeting her for lunch (her treat by the way! hahah)... i opened my Facebook and there's tons of messages on my Inbox and some wrote on my wall, i didnt reply immediately to them coz i only have an hour to prepare and go to Ortigas where ill be meeting Shae, we agreed to wait for each other in Megamall, and have a bottle each of beer after our lunch.

around 5pm while riding the bus heading home, my phone rang, it was Glenys with his hubby Jay calling me and asking to come join them and some of our other friends for a movie, they're planning Red Riding Hood, its going to serve as their gift for me, i was hesitant at first but Jay convinced me since he said that it'll also be a celebration of his 28th birthday following mine.

at exactly 9 in the evening i left home going straight to Makati to meet everyone, had dinner at Bagnet (our fave, as always!) instead of a movie since we are time-constrained due to the "salubong" celebration of Jay a few hours after our sumptuous meal...we shared our toasts of 'Badtrip' and 'sisig' at Central Makati, jumped to another place along Pasong Tamo then went to Petron as we are not yet satisfied with our booze intake. around 7am, we're all tipsy, decided to have breakfast of sizzling steak and went home at around 9... whew! long long day it was but the fun never stopped..

that was all soooo memorable for me... thanks to all of my friends who made it all happened.. my 34th was a blast and im looking forward for next year heheheh...

i only have one wish... and that's....... =(


wow! im officially 34 years old today!!!....

ano kayang meron pag ganito na ang age?? hmmm ill find out in the coming days..

Happy Birthday to me! hihihi =)




mine is this...

"he's dead"... that's all i knew about  Dad... i was practically raised by my Lola because Mum had to work to support me and all other expenses we need. i didnt grow up in a well-off family, good thing Mum has siblings in Canada who helped us financially...

when i was 5 years old, i started wondering why my cousins and other playmates has Dads who goes home every night with pasalubong but in our house its a different story. I didnt ask Mum or Lola or anyone about him, because i was too afraid ill get the same answer i was told when i was 4, that was trauma to me, hearing someone's death who's supposed to be a part of your existence was the last thing a four-year old kid would like to hear... i kept my silence.

all these years, ive been silent. my lips are sealed, my hands are tied. it was like living in prison, with rules to follow but only without a cell... but i want freedom... a real one.

highschool came, the freedom that ive wanted since forever was now on sight. ive gained friends who understood my likeness to be free.. ive experimented, i did what i knew was wrong but that during that time seemed right... eventually the consequences of those things took its toll on me... i was expelled from school, put on home study...Mum was furious.. i thought 'well maybe you deserve it Mum!'

during my days of fury, i knew that i still wanted to do more...i want to know if Dad's really dead coz i knew Dad was just out there, still alive and looking for me... i knew... i really knew... i dreamt of him crying while shouting at the top of his lungs... sometimes he would whisper in my ears, those words that i wanted to hear...'Im here son'...'Im just here'.

at 18, i was astounded by an unexpected news... Dad is still alive... living in Antipolo with his kids and wife... i wanted to shout, i wanted to say 'BOO you Mum, you lied to me, you deserve every tear that ran through your eyes coz you're a liar'... but i cant... i was mute-silent, didnt know what to do, all i knew was i want to see Dad, i want to talk to him, hug and kiss him.

the long wait was finally over, i met Dad... i saw my half-brothers and sisters, i saw his wife...he told me his side of the story, i believed him, i didnt judge... i listened... i cried, but all i could remember was when Dad looked at me and said 'no need for you to cry.. crying is for Losers like me, i didnt have the strength to take all my resposibility to you because im a coward, but one thing's for sure Mike, i love you, youre my son and nothing's gonna change that'....

that was the happiest moment of my life... but everything must come to an end... Dad passed away without me seeing and talking to him before he left.. but i guess that was okay... he just went back home to a place where wont have to suffer, no sadness, no fears, no sickness... only true and pure happiness.

when Dad was still alive, he would call me and asked  about a lot of things... those that he missed while im growing up... he asked how i was as a student, how was Mum, how was my life, particularly my love-life.. i told him everything... i told him that ive experienced how it was to be on an abusive relationship, i was physically and emotionally abused, i was living in hell... i also told him about the time when i fell in love again, i even introduced him to the guy... he was happy for me... he didnt say anything, he didnt argue, he's just ecstatic... he said 'whatever you want as long as youre happy, that's cool with me'

there were also times before when i would call Dad about things that i cant tell anyone... he's the best adviser... he was honest and straight to the point, no beating around the bush....

after Dad left this world, all i could remember was his reminder 'dont be afraid son, there will be times when you would have to take a punch in the face for you to gain knowledge, for you to learn, continue to seek wisdom, continue to take risks, always give love a chance, meet friends, gain enemies, be rude, be wise...tell your story and be happy'....

thank you Dad, wherever you are, i know that you are looking upon me.. ill see you, maybe not soon hahaha, but ill be seeing you...

... what's yours?


my friend Gel Santos celebrated  her birthday on the 3rd of this month...
just want to share some of the pix of the fun we had that night..





yesterday, alone at home and about to pull my hair out of boredom, the movie My Girl (one of my faves) came into mind. i remember i have the original VHS copy of  that movie and believe it or not we still have our VHS player at home and its still working.

so i looked for it and watched it on the 'still-working player' (vintage huh!), though it feels kinda baduy knowing that i could buy a pirated copy of that anywhere or download it over the net, i chose to watch it the VHS way!

(here's the movie's trailer)

nostalgia was all i felt throughout the movie. i remember watching it for 28 times during highschool since im a big Macaulay Culkin fan. i even memorized the poem that Anna Chlumsky (Vada) recited on the latter part of the movie, the one the she made on Mr. Bixler's class after Macaulay's (Thom Jr.) character died.

im soo inlove with this movie. every actor was profiled correctly for the roles they played, i especially love Jamie Lee Curtis's (Shelley) character as Dan Aykroyd's GF and Anna's confidante. the movie never failed to make me cry, its also the reason why i love anything vintage because of the outfits ive seen on the film and the soundtrack was amazing too, i also have a tape of that OST up until now and some of those songs are actually on my Ipod.

(sigh) i wish its still the 60's =)



35 things i want to do before 35

when asked, i always say that if given the choice, id rather die young and my ideal age for that is 35. in a few days, ill be celebrating my 34th birthday, so if i would die next year, i still have a lot of things left to do.

here's my list in random order:

-visit Cebu. ive always wanted to go there since highschool when a seatmate at school told me how excited he was for summer because his family will spend it there, and when we got back to school after vacation, he showed me all the pictures with the beautiful places theyve been. i envy him.

-get in touch with old friends Mon and Mackoy. i havent seen them since we had a misunderstanding =(

-visit my siblings in Antipolo. my Dad has his own family before he met Mum, i have 9 half-brothers and sisters, but not all is fond of me so i want to make it up to them.

-find out what happened to my favorite Grade School Teacher Ms. Danna Marie Yorro, after our family moved to Cavite, i didnt see her again. i admire her wit and patience, for me she's the epitomy of a great teacher.

-get in touch with my childhood bestfriend John. the last time i saw him was in 1994, i want us to play Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders again.

-go to Bali and meet Kutut, i want to be like Julia Roberts in the movie Eat Pray Love hehehe.

-send a letter addressed to PNoy in Malacanang. in that letter ill tell him do not let the Senate go against same-sex marriage.

-sign a waiver and donate my eyes and any other parts of my body that could be of use to those who needs it.

-go to Sagada alone. smoke as many jeuts as i could.

-meet my ultimate crushes Diether Ocampo and Angel Aquino and have them sign my shirt. LOL

-give all my clothes to charity, but not my Forever21's, ill bring that with me in my casket.

-help my bestfriend AJ find his Dad.. because i want his Dad to see that they can live without him. i admire Aj's strength to stand as a 'breadwinner' for his family, w/c is something that i dont think i can do.

-make an effort to help my other bestfriend Shae to get an annulment with her ex-husband.

-after annulment, ill help Shae prepare for her dream wedding with her beau JC. it'll be Fab!

-spend a week in Palawan with "P". it'll be the last time for me to walk with him along the shores, ill tell him all the things he needs to know and say sorry for all the mistakes ive done.

-go back to Baguio. most of the happiest vacation i had was in Baguio, so right before i die i want to reminisce how happy and thankful iam to live a fun life as this.

-watch Face to Face live in their studio. i need some action before my death. i want to see before my eyes how the guests throw the plastic chairs to each other while Amy Perez run to save herself.

-go to Disneyland with my niece Concha.

-meet Barrack Obama and tell him i fantasize waking up in bed with him. =)

-go to Manila's Fashion Week for the last time. i want to get an idea of what to wear inside my casket.

-buy some airconditioner for my friend Mimi. that's what she always wanted to have for her rented apartment.

-buy scholarship funds for Naya and Miguel (Shae's kids) BBoy (Aj's brother) Anisha (Mimi's daughter) Concha (my niece), they are my favorites.

-go to Amanpulo. one of my greatest dream is to see that island, just spend the whole day making sand-castles.

-learn professional photography and take beautiful random pictures.

-go back into painting. i used to do it a few years back when i experienced trauma and depression.

-spend a day food-tripping. from street food to 5-star hotel dinner, i want to eat everything till i get constipated.

-go bar-hopping again just like what i used to do in College.

-join Project Runway and design my own clothing line.

-have a photo exhibit at 'M' Cafe.

-go to Venice with Mum and ride a gondola.

-confess to 'him' about the love i have been keeping to myself.

-visit Batanes and see the Ivatans in person.

-play football with the 'AZKALS', if im lucky Derek Ramsey might agree for a Frisbee too in Boracay LOL.

-hear a Mass at the Vatican City.

-be at two places at the same time, just like Mandy Moore in the movie A Walk to Remember.



my Audrey dream...

i have always had this fantasy of me living the life of the fab Audrey Hepburn. growing up, i always see Mum watching her movies and looking through her photos in the magazine. she's a big fan..'Funny Face' was her fave, a movie that Audrey starred with Fred Astaire.

earlier, while riding the bus going home, a kolehiya stepped in wearing a gorgeous shirt with Audrey's classic picture (the one that she has her tiara on, the likes of those Louie Claparols designs). when i saw it, Audrey's face played in my mind that's why when i arrived home, i immediately opened my laptop coz i remember that i have saved some of her pictures on my folder and thought of posting it here.

Supah Love Audrey!! LOL



i have told so many lies in my life, but if there is one truth that im holding on up to this very moment is that im in love with you and that will stay that way.

this song is for you... i wish you knew i love YOU.. =(

SECRETS (one republic)
 I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that will like those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time,Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My God
Amazing that we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news,
all the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises,
just write it into an album
Seen it straight to gold
I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that will like those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time,Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that will like those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time,Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that will like those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time,Don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away,All my secrets away


March is my month...

a few months back, i was talking to my friend Caan, she said 'January is mine since its my birthday month' and i replied 'March is all mine'  hahaha... well, the next thing i knew its the first day of my month...

on the 18th, ill be celebrating my 34th birthday. i usually do it with a theme, but a few years back when i started thinking that maybe i do not need that much of a celebration since im not getting any younger.

i remember, 'P' said ''i really cant get the logic why you bother so much about your birthday e pwede namang dinner at inuman lang''. now, looking back 'yeah maybe he's right!' kase people who'll attend the party wont really remember the party itself but the fun they had on your party.

so since 2009 i always spend my birthday with just my closest friends, friends and people who touched my heart during the years passed....

if you would ask me my favorite birthday celebration was in 2007 when my friend 'M' surprised me in the office with an unexpected person he invited to come (well, he forced him hahah), i was still in a relationship with 'P' during that time. before i left home, 'P' said that he wont be able to join me and my office friends because he had to run some errands for his mum, i said ok though i was really sad not to spend that day with him.

when i stepped into the office, 'M' noticed that i was not in the mood, he asked me why, but i didnt say anything. suddenly, out of nowhere, he asked me for 'P's number, i gave it to him with no questions asked since i was still thinking of 'P', not knowing that he would text him and asked to come to the celebration after office hours.

a few minutes before we left the office 'M' said 'there's someone waiting for you downstairs' i said 'who??' and thought he was joking, sabi nya 'basta baba ka nalang'... so i went downstairs, when i opened the door there was him...'P' greeting me 'happy birthday' with his big smile... it almost brought me into tears, but i didnt wanna ruin the moment with my dramas so i went to hug him and said thank you.

(sigh)... those were the days... oh well!

im wondering what surprises i might get this year... hmmm or would there be any?? =)