

my wish for you:

i wish for you to always have that smile

in your face, because with that, you are making

me realize that life is a little bit better each


i wish that you will always find peace in

your heart, even when things go wrong and everyone

seemed to turn their back on you, coz im still


and lastly, i wish that you will always

find happiness, even if not with me, because that

is how much i love you.

my wish for myself:

i wish that i could last a day without

thinking of you, because everytime i do, a lot of

things are running into my mind, like, having you for

the rest of my life w/c i know impossible, and the

thought of it really makes me cry.

i wish that you are not so sweet and kind,

because the more you do that, the more i fall...

i wish that the way you smile, you wrinkle your

nose when you're angry, the way you eat, you fart, the way

you sneeze, you sleep and your annoying snore, and everything

about you wont linger in my mind, so that in the middle of

my lazy day, people wont find me smiling with no reason at all..

and lastly, and the most impossible wish i have...

i wish that i knew how to quit you (just like the famous "brokeback

mountain" movieline hehe) because if i do, i wont be bugged

by all of these thoughts in my mind...

i wish i wasnt in love with YOU!!!!

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