

lying awake.......
just listening.....

leave out all the rest (linkin park)

i dont know..maybe its because of the movie
"twilight" that's why i always have this song in my mind,
this is the song that i would sing to him, just in case,
i did something wrong...coz i want him to keep only me in
his memory, and leave out all the rest.

teenage love affair (alicia keys)

for him who's been my unforgettable first, the
reason of my sleepless nights during my adolescent years,
the one who open up my thoughts to sexual desires..and he
who will always leave a spot in that little corner of my
heart.. hope he's happy!

goobye to you (michelle branch)

for a friend who took his own life... it was so
hard at that time you've left me.. but i want you to know that
i have loved you and you'll be in my heart forever... i
know that you're now happy wherever you are.. you'll always
be a cherished friend.. till the day we meet again..

how to save a life (the fray)

you have been my bestfriend for quite sometime now,
but what i wont forget was the time we didnt talk for three
months, ive regretted it.. if only i have known how to take
those words back, then we wont have to go through those
altercation.. but now that we're okay again, im hoping for the
best, i may not know how to save life, but ill be willing
to save yours if i have to..

on the side of me (corrinne may)

just like the song goes... i may not be the easiest
person to love, yet you choose to be on the side of me...
that's enough reason for me to love you too...

im not missin' you (stacey orico)

however may i try to deny it...the fact still remains
that i miss him... do i still love him???

the man who cant be moved (the script)

for myself....

like i said....

i'll wait

i wont eat

i wont sleep

i wont move

till you're here with me again.

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