

long weekend for me.. not because of the
holiday but because, i did a bunch of things
starting Saturday morning...the moment i got out
of the office from my shift, my officemates and i
went straight to greenhills for our dose of
a little shopping spree.. we went home at about
2 in the afternoon and i was at home at about 4pm,
i slept for a while, i woke up at about 7pm, coz
me and my best bud Paolo will be going out for our
usual weekend drinking session.. we were just planning
to have a couple of drinks and go home.. but after i took
my shower i received a text message from my friends in
Alabang saying if i want to join them for a get
together in Paranaque.. and since i have'nt seen them
for quite sometime.. i asked Paolo if he's okay with that
and he said yes.. so i replied and said that we'll be
joining them in an hour.
But what we didnt know was that we'll be drinking till
the wee hours of the morning..
I did'nt get drunk, Paolo was. (the previous post was enough
evidence, hehehe!).. we went home at about 7am
and i was asleep the whole day.. i did'nt even eat a
single meal throughout the day..
i woke up with a text message from a friend inviting
me and again Paolo in their house for another friend's
birthday celebration....
So Paolo and i met at about 9pm, and went to Jolet's house,
we ate, played monopoly while drinking tequila (take note: we have
3 bottles to finish and only 5 or 6 of us were drinking)
i was okay during the next 2 1/2 bottles, i was'nt feeling
dizzy or something, but when we are about to leave for
Starbucks, and the moment i went in Mon's car,i know that
ill be passing out, i sat beside the left door so that
when worst comes to worst it'll be easy for me to just
throw up...

And then it happened, what i remember was Mon had to stop the
car because i was about to go... i heard someone said
"that's okay Mike, let it all out" and i know that Paolo
was there guiding me and that was the last memory i had
with what happened.. i was really drunk..
I woke up in my bed wondering how did i get home?!!
so i texted Paolo and asked him about what happened..
According to him.. he brought me home, he rented a cab,
and he carried me to my room at the third floor..
i do not know what happened why did i get that drunk and
cant remember a single thing..

From now on i promise not to drink again... ever!!

(but of course.. that's a joke!!! hahaha)

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