
x'Mas wiSh list

1. more time for vacation

2. less stress

3. more friends to meet

4. good health for mom

5. world peace

6. more time and love for myself

7. less anger, more love for others

8. less shopping, more money-saving

9. less GiMiK, more going to church

10. more years of life full of love, peace, friendship, and fun

the moment i saw you cry (for ChoG)

that was not the first time...

but that was different.

do not ever do that again...

coz i feel so guilty.

promise.. i wont repeat the same mistake..

but please do not cry again...

ANG PANGET MO KASI EH!!! hehehe!!!


C.O.M.I.N.G O.U.T "the chronicles of a closet queen" (for my Aeds)

Spell Coming out?!!

Adrian my BFWB, has been the "hiding inside myselF"
queen for more than 10 years now..
I was always telling him that it feels so good
when your family know that you're green-blooded, it helps
you to have a peaceful mind, and at the same time you're
free to do whatever you want to do without having to
think that someone might see you.

I can imagine how hard it is for Aeds to do it
because he came from a very conservative family, aside
from the fact that he is the only child, and to have a
bussiness-minded, focused, and goal-oriented dad like the
one he has, coming out might be something that you have to think
a hundred-million times over.

The reason why i wrote this post is because, I
received a call from Aeds saying that he's finally
decided and he's gonna do it. His dad will arrive from
the States for the holidays, and he thinks that this
might be the best time to do it because his mom wont be
able to make it, (he's actually not so fond of his mom)
so it'll be easier for him to let it all out, and it'll be
his chance to have a heart to heart talk to his dear father.

I was about to scream in excitement when i heard about
his decision..... B U T!!!!!!!!!!
he immediately followed that up with something like
"Gusto ko andun ka pag nangyari yun, kasi gusto ko na rin
sabihin kay dad yung sa'tin, kasi diba nakilala ka na
niya, alam lang nya barkada tayo?"

After hearing that, i was really furious, it feels like
i want to throw him "pacquiao" punches (good thing we're
just talking over the phone, pero kung hindi.....)
But what i said was...
"punyeta kang bakla kahhh!!, gusto mo pa ko ipahamak, e pano
kung jombagin ka ng tatay mu, e di pati ako na-kyombag!!!"
and he said "cge na pls.. kasi ill have the lakas ng loob lang
pag andun ka eh!!!
then i said "no way, deadma!"
then i turn off my phone...

I sat on my bed after that horrible phone call, a lot
of thoughts came into mind.
One of them was, maybe i do not really understand how it is
for Aeds to tell his dad about his gender preferrence
because i personally didnt go through all of that..
I didnt have my sit-down talk to either mom or dad about my
"kabaklaan" because our family produces gays and lesbians,
starting from my two "tibo" aunts and "bakla" cousins, so,
in short, every gender is accepted in the family..

I gave it a thought..
what if i accompany Aeds to the most awaited
gay confession of the year?!!
Will his dad throw all his balikbayan boxes to our
its really hard to tell how to estimate his dad's temper,
because during our on and off BFWB-ship, i remember seeing
him for only three times, also we have'nt spoken to each other
aside from the usual "goodevening po" or "hello po", nothing

That thought bothered me for like 3hrs..
so i told myself "im'na have to call Aeds"...
So i did... and this is what i told him..
"sure ka na ba? kelan mu ba sasabihin?!! Ok.. sige
payag na ko, i'll be with you, pag sinabi mu yon, pero
pwede ba wag na natin sabihin yung tungkol sa'ten, coz i
think that's gonna be too much for your dad to handle, right?
then he said "ok sige na nga, tsaka baka ma-grossed out din
si dad... O panu, we're good, sa dec 18 ko sasabihin, para
makapagpahinga muna sya..
i said "ok, ill wait, paghahandaan ko yan! haaay!"

I dont know what will happen...
hope it turns out good, coz if not ill kill
you Aeds...

I'll post about it, once it happened.
Goodluck to Us!!!



my wish for you:

i wish for you to always have that smile

in your face, because with that, you are making

me realize that life is a little bit better each


i wish that you will always find peace in

your heart, even when things go wrong and everyone

seemed to turn their back on you, coz im still


and lastly, i wish that you will always

find happiness, even if not with me, because that

is how much i love you.

my wish for myself:

i wish that i could last a day without

thinking of you, because everytime i do, a lot of

things are running into my mind, like, having you for

the rest of my life w/c i know impossible, and the

thought of it really makes me cry.

i wish that you are not so sweet and kind,

because the more you do that, the more i fall...

i wish that the way you smile, you wrinkle your

nose when you're angry, the way you eat, you fart, the way

you sneeze, you sleep and your annoying snore, and everything

about you wont linger in my mind, so that in the middle of

my lazy day, people wont find me smiling with no reason at all..

and lastly, and the most impossible wish i have...

i wish that i knew how to quit you (just like the famous "brokeback

mountain" movieline hehe) because if i do, i wont be bugged

by all of these thoughts in my mind...

i wish i wasnt in love with YOU!!!!



lying awake.......
just listening.....

leave out all the rest (linkin park)

i dont know..maybe its because of the movie
"twilight" that's why i always have this song in my mind,
this is the song that i would sing to him, just in case,
i did something wrong...coz i want him to keep only me in
his memory, and leave out all the rest.

teenage love affair (alicia keys)

for him who's been my unforgettable first, the
reason of my sleepless nights during my adolescent years,
the one who open up my thoughts to sexual desires..and he
who will always leave a spot in that little corner of my
heart.. hope he's happy!

goobye to you (michelle branch)

for a friend who took his own life... it was so
hard at that time you've left me.. but i want you to know that
i have loved you and you'll be in my heart forever... i
know that you're now happy wherever you are.. you'll always
be a cherished friend.. till the day we meet again..

how to save a life (the fray)

you have been my bestfriend for quite sometime now,
but what i wont forget was the time we didnt talk for three
months, ive regretted it.. if only i have known how to take
those words back, then we wont have to go through those
altercation.. but now that we're okay again, im hoping for the
best, i may not know how to save life, but ill be willing
to save yours if i have to..

on the side of me (corrinne may)

just like the song goes... i may not be the easiest
person to love, yet you choose to be on the side of me...
that's enough reason for me to love you too...

im not missin' you (stacey orico)

however may i try to deny it...the fact still remains
that i miss him... do i still love him???

the man who cant be moved (the script)

for myself....

like i said....

i'll wait

i wont eat

i wont sleep

i wont move

till you're here with me again.


long weekend for me.. not because of the
holiday but because, i did a bunch of things
starting Saturday morning...the moment i got out
of the office from my shift, my officemates and i
went straight to greenhills for our dose of
a little shopping spree.. we went home at about
2 in the afternoon and i was at home at about 4pm,
i slept for a while, i woke up at about 7pm, coz
me and my best bud Paolo will be going out for our
usual weekend drinking session.. we were just planning
to have a couple of drinks and go home.. but after i took
my shower i received a text message from my friends in
Alabang saying if i want to join them for a get
together in Paranaque.. and since i have'nt seen them
for quite sometime.. i asked Paolo if he's okay with that
and he said yes.. so i replied and said that we'll be
joining them in an hour.
But what we didnt know was that we'll be drinking till
the wee hours of the morning..
I did'nt get drunk, Paolo was. (the previous post was enough
evidence, hehehe!).. we went home at about 7am
and i was asleep the whole day.. i did'nt even eat a
single meal throughout the day..
i woke up with a text message from a friend inviting
me and again Paolo in their house for another friend's
birthday celebration....
So Paolo and i met at about 9pm, and went to Jolet's house,
we ate, played monopoly while drinking tequila (take note: we have
3 bottles to finish and only 5 or 6 of us were drinking)
i was okay during the next 2 1/2 bottles, i was'nt feeling
dizzy or something, but when we are about to leave for
Starbucks, and the moment i went in Mon's car,i know that
ill be passing out, i sat beside the left door so that
when worst comes to worst it'll be easy for me to just
throw up...

And then it happened, what i remember was Mon had to stop the
car because i was about to go... i heard someone said
"that's okay Mike, let it all out" and i know that Paolo
was there guiding me and that was the last memory i had
with what happened.. i was really drunk..
I woke up in my bed wondering how did i get home?!!
so i texted Paolo and asked him about what happened..
According to him.. he brought me home, he rented a cab,
and he carried me to my room at the third floor..
i do not know what happened why did i get that drunk and
cant remember a single thing..

From now on i promise not to drink again... ever!!

(but of course.. that's a joke!!! hahaha)