
it was a great weekend, but im still sad


coming from the office, i had breakfast with my friends
jef, drea, and mau. we had different agendas after that, but
before going our seperate ways, we enjoyed an hour of fun,
food, and non-stop chismisan...

afterwards, i went my own way, to a place i'll dread
for the rest of my life, i do not want to go into details
about that because that would really make me sad...

i hated that day, it ended up so sad..


im tired.. confused, sad, not in the mood..
i received a message from paolo saying that a stupid
person (whom i know) texted him, saying all stupid things
you could possibly think of..

went out with paolo for a couple of drinks,
im so glad i was able to talk to him,
it eased the confusion a bit...
we both got a little drunk..
but still the fact remains that my weekend
made me real sad..

im hoping this wont happen again..
coz that's real b*ll$h!%...

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