

valentines... here it comes again..

what's bad about it??.... NOTHING!!!
its just that i really find it weird whenever this day comes
in each year, people tends to be extra...hmmm... what's the word??!!!
CORNY? CHEESY? whatever..

i dont know about you guys but there's something about
St. Valentine's day that make other people go extra Ga-Ga
over their significant other..

but here's my take on it, i personally do not think that spending
this heart's day with someone who you think is special to you like
your BF or GF, ka-ON, ka-UM (M.U)is the only way you can enjoy

im not trying to sound bitter here.. i also have spent my valentine's
with my partner discreetly, however, i also went out with my friends during
the night.. i greeted my mom, i sent e-mails to friends abroad,
and even texted those long lost friends from high school and college.

my point is, dont make valentines as an excuse for you not to enjoy it
especially when you're single.. there's a lot for you to do on this day
alone.. come think of it this way.. when you are in a relationship,
you tend to neglect friends who you havent been with
and things you havent done in along while...

then why not do those things, and call these people and spent time
with them, have a little chit-chat over a cup of coffee in starbucks
or watch movies together in your portable dvd.. instead of
crying over and cursing your Ex, because he/she ruined the day for
you..hey, its not the end of the world..

spending time with yourself is the most fulfilling task one could
do for valentines... think of yourself first, pamper it...
and be happy..

after all how one person can love you, if you yourself wont learn
to love the real you..

just a thought!!!

25 facts about me

i just wanna make "gaya" those
internet polls so here it is....

1. i was once teased as "butiki" coz when i was
a kid i was asthmatic, and there was this neighbor of
ours who told my mom that if she boil a house-lizard,
it would be an effective alternative to my medicines, i guess
that's true kasi nawala talaga yung hika, and thats the reason why
i have this tattoo of a "butiki" at my nape.

2. i have'nt eaten even a tiny piece of chicken
since i was 11 yrs. old because i have allergies.

3. my bestfriend is a straight guy and that's weird coz im gay.

4. i got kicked-out from a catholic school because i was
caught (along with my friends) smoking at the back of the school
chapel by my priest teacher.

5. i hate to see a wet cotton ball, it makes me wanna puke,
i do not know the reason honestly!

6. i still cant sleep without my "batutoy" (it is my hotdog-pillow
ever since i was 5 yrs. old.)

7. im a bit "claustrophobic"

8. not until i was 14, i cannot sleep without my
mom at my side.

9. i used to wet my bed while sleeping for about a
month when i was trying to sleep alone coz my mom wants me
to learn how to be independent.

10. i hate the letter "Q" because when i was still in
pre-school that was the letter i was having a hard time to
write, i always confused it for the letter "O"

11. my mom used to call me "tayok".. and till now
i do not know what it means (i think i should ask her)

12. during highschool, i had a crush with macaulay culkin, that's
the reason why i watched the movie "my girl" (his movie with anna
chlumsky) for 28 freakin' times, and i cried every single time.

13. my forever crush is river phoenix, when he died i cried alone
in my room (hihihihi!!!)

14. i love my dark skin, kasi i heard from oprah winfrey
that a person with a dark skin has 500% natural sunblock on
their skin... wala lang!!

15. i love the smell of gasoline... especially when it
is being loaded in the car.

16. i was once told that im going to be a successful
showbiz reporter kasi daw im madaldal.

17. the only life lesson i wont ever forget is
"only losers cry, and you are not, so dont" (and im not gonna
tell who told me that)

18. when i was learning how to drive, i accidentally bumped into
a police car, and my mom decided that that's the end of my
driving career.

19. since im an only-child, i used to think that my mom's
older sis is my sister too, kasi i would always hear my mom calling my
tita "ate" so nakigaya ako, and till now i still call her that.

20. i used to be a vegetarian.

21. i have 15 pairs of shoes pero i only use
3 or 4 pairs kasi nanghihinayang akong maluma sila.

22. due to a friend's birthday party, i sacrificed my eyesight,
kasi what i did was i sprayed a strong perfume in my eye, to make
it look like i have sore-eyes, and to earn a "sent-to-home"
certificate from my previous company's clinic, so that i could attend
the party.

23. i hate anime... eeeeeewwwwwwwwhhhhhhhh!!!

24. i love giving names to anything like my cellphones..
meron silang names na badong, tolome, pepper, anselmo, and recently
i named one "acquilino".

25. i love coffee and rainy days... perfect combination!!


it was a great weekend, but im still sad


coming from the office, i had breakfast with my friends
jef, drea, and mau. we had different agendas after that, but
before going our seperate ways, we enjoyed an hour of fun,
food, and non-stop chismisan...

afterwards, i went my own way, to a place i'll dread
for the rest of my life, i do not want to go into details
about that because that would really make me sad...

i hated that day, it ended up so sad..


im tired.. confused, sad, not in the mood..
i received a message from paolo saying that a stupid
person (whom i know) texted him, saying all stupid things
you could possibly think of..

went out with paolo for a couple of drinks,
im so glad i was able to talk to him,
it eased the confusion a bit...
we both got a little drunk..
but still the fact remains that my weekend
made me real sad..

im hoping this wont happen again..
coz that's real b*ll$h!%...