

since its still the love month, i decided  to write a post about two people close to my heart, not only because they are my friends, but also because i witnessed their cute but complicated love story...

it started when me and my bestfriend Shae resigned in our jobs and opted to accept the offer of another company in Makati. I was a day ahead to start training than Shae, so basically ive already met JC, he's the type of guy that you'll be annoyed once you see him.. he has this sense of humor that not all people could understand and quite 'mayabang' too.

on the second day, Shae came in, since there's no seat available beside me for her to use, she decided to sit behind me where JC was seated too. that training was really fun, JC was one of the reasons why it wasnt so boring, he always have some 'hirit' that you cant help but laugh once you hear it, he was also starting to tease Shae that time, but knowing Shae, she wouldnt care and just laugh at him.

while on training, Shae was on a rocky relationship too with her then-husband 'A'. she experienced abuse from him even physically, but still trying her best to work it out for her two kids. Not known to us, JC was on the exact same situation with his then-live-in partner 'B', where he also has two kids.

even when both was on a chaotic relationship with their respected significant others, life goes on for them. training was over and we were divided into two teams.. i was with another team along with JC, but that's no problem because we were just seperated by our computer dividers so it feels like nothing happened. Shae was seated across JC and me behind him, so i witnessed how he was always teasing her, which i thought at that time was his way of courting her... JC would always make her laugh with his line "Tara mag-syotaan na lang tayo"..and that is where it all started.

i started noticing that there were times when Shae wasnt able to go to work and JC would be absent too, which later explained to me and to our friends that they were together on that day since Shae was having an altercation with 'A' and needs company and a shoulder to cry on... and at that time they were starting a complicated relationship that was unbeknownst to us her friends... but of course eventually she admitted it.

a few weeks after, unexpected things happened at the office, JC resigned, and Shae followed-suit. during this time too, JC thought he found his new love and Shae left 'A' because the physical abuse was something that she couldnt take anymore.. they started to live together away from all the things that stole happiness from them.

they thought everything was smooth-sailing for them until 'A' started to bother Shae again with annoying text messages and trying to get back with her, not only that 'A' contacted JC's ex 'B' to make it worst... there were times then when Shae almost gave-up with their relationship because 'A' was also using their two kids as an alibi to make her come home again and Shae's mom was now involved to confront JC and show her 'disgusto' to him for her daughter.

luckily, they all survived it... 'A' accepted the fact that Shae is now happy, they made arrangements for the kids and tried to be civil as much as possible, her mom now understood that they're inseperable and learned to accept JC, though there are things that still bothers them once in a while but nothing could seperate hearts that are meant to be together.

until now, JC and Shae are still together living a quiet life, im sure that they do experience some problems along the way of their journey but that would be nothing from what they have experienced before and they would easily get away from it...

to my dearest friends JC and Shae, i wish you all the best and i know that this bond will last forever as long as God is in the center of your relationship...

Love, love, love


JayShae Asuncion said...

AAAAAMENNNN!!! I like the way you bulgarize my secret love story..haha. thanks for reminding me how we fought for what we believed in.

bRownButiKi said...

pabago bago ka ng name ng blog kaya nahihirapan akong hanapin ka eh heheheh