
i miss mum

these past few days i have been going through some emotional battles.. and during times like these i do miss my mum

mum has not always been a friend to me, in fact there was a time before when i loathed her.. i hated her for being quite strict when it comes to studying,and maybe thats the reason why i didnt took it seriously that time, instead i shifted into different vices, i tried getting drunk each day, there are days when i do not go to school just to be with friends and drink, and worst of all, i tried drugs just to show that i rebel against her.. her being so nosy, of her being so pushy, or her just being the mother that i do not want her to be.

i even tried running away from home for quite a few times before, but mum would always find a way to locate where i am..

but now that i have come at this point in my life where i can say iam more mature, i have come to realize that mum was right, she was always right.

i miss the way she would preach me about things i thought i knew especially now that i do not have anyone to confide to.. i remember, anytime that i would encounter certain problems, mum would always lend her ear to me.. i can tell her anything, even my deepest darkest secrets, and she would listen without any judgment.

how i really wish that mum was here with me right at this very moment, 'cause just her touch, and her reassuring look would make everything alright..

just this weekend, i was able to see mum again but i wasnt able to talk to her about what im feeling, but the mere fact that i was there at her place,was more than enough for my mind to be at ease.

i felt mum's love the moment i step into her doorstep..
i knew mum loves me..
i know...

thanks mum... and i love you too even if i seldom tell you.

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