

2011 was a roller coaster ride for me... ive been to the lowest point of my life and about to give up but thanks to the people who made my year... here's my top ten list:

56.... you guys are the first few people ive met again after my 7month-hiatus, i will never forget the times we all shared together and im hoping we could all cherish that for the rest of our lives... Kudos to all of those who stayed, and I definitely miss all who left, I love you guys....

101... i miss all of you guys, my fondest memories with Citibank are those with you guys, im hoping for a big reunion hehehe...

AJ RUBIO... it may have been a very rough road that we went through but I still thank God that I met you, thanks for the memories...

TY MARQUEZ... thanks for the buckets and buckets of beer that we share especially at those times when I dont want to go home yet and just kill time hehehe, but seriously thanks for the friendship...

ANNA GOMEZ... thank you for the fun and laughter, i never thought that we would click the first time we've met, but it was all great... Woohoo!!!

RHON PUNZALAN... it was such a short time that we've spent together but I will always keep that in my heart, thank you for being such a great friend, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours... i miss you.

ASH TAYLOR... my Uber ingliserang friend, you never fail to make my nose bleed, but i super love you, looking forward to more times of us getting drunk even if we'll come to a point that we dont have money and start counting baryas hahaha....

  RONA ROSALES... my 'doubtfully fake daughter'... sayang! we didnt have much time to spend too but I thank you for your annoying halakhak that never fails to make me laugh... i miss you.

ANNA MANUEL... thanks teh for listening to all my woes, i know youre getting irritated of me at times hehehe but still you lend me your ears whenever I need them...

DJ SANTOS... Johnson I may never be the best person to spend time with, because I always nag you and tell you things I aint supposed to say but I swear I super Thank God that ive met someone like you who has patience for every piece of stubborn and weird Me, may we be superfriends for the rest of our lives... thank you. =)

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