

when problem strikes you unexpectedly, youll realize that a you are neglecting a lot of things in your life. my mum would always say 'look at the brighter side of things'... well, yeah, but then it is sooo difficult to hide tears in your eyes especially when you know that youve got nothing but yourself...

sometimes i want to escape from reality. i remember those days when i was still a kid, my only problem was Mum would not allow me to play outside of the house because she's too scared that a car might hit me, i wish it could all be the same now...

but, cliche as it may seem, im still looking at the brighter side of life, im thankful for all the blessings i receive each day. im lucky to have 3 of the most beautiful things in life:

1) two shots of espresso each day before going to my office battle

2)my facebook and blogspot accounts, where i can always say whatever i want, whenever i want!

3) my ever-loving friends. enough said.

Thank God for all of these... it gives me the assurance that i am not alone =)



went to the grocery with my two good friends Mimi and Aj....

funny, when we saw this:

a short and a long version of my name... MIKE hehehe

Goodtimes! LOL!



cutest boy with his purple shoes... heheheh

B-B O Y!!!


wish I have a brother like him.... Good for you AJ, he's yours!!!


got my first one a few months back... now i want more....

this is now included in my wishlist this christmas...

Could someone give me this?? phuleeeeaaaassseeeee.....



a few weeks back, while walking at the mall with my friends, i saw an old friend. i never thought that this would happen again, well maybe i prayed that it would not happen again, just because i dont want to feel the sadness i had when he left.... i know deep inside of me that if i see him again, ill cry.

surprisingly.... i didnt.

i simply smile and said to myself.... im over him

i know now...that chapter of my life has officially ended.


i owe a lot to my blog...

havent got time to open it and tell a story of my whereabouts...

i soooo miss blogging...

ill do this again soon..