

and more...

here are the top people who made my 2009 memorable....

JACOB BLACK... not that we're close hahahaha... but c'mon! Jacob is LUST! right!?

MY PEEPS FROM VXI INC... our time together was too short, but indeed memorable thank you guys!

JULIUS CHARLES REYES.. hahaha you're fun!!... enough said.

MARK ANTHONY REYES... lemme'welcome you Mackoy... (to where?!.. maybe you're wondering huh?!.. im'na let you know when i see you... hehe)

MARIE CHARMAINE OCTAVIANO... my soul sistah! i salute you for being sooo strong despite all your life's trouble.

KRISTINE MARIE CANDELARIA... my ever kikay and sweetest friend... holla sistah! love yah!
SHERMANE TERRAZOLA... the sister i never had. thanks teh!

RAYMOND ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ... my logically-advanced friend!... you shocked me this year hehehe... thanks Mon.

JAN MICHAEL VINCENT TUMANG.. my new found friend, welcome to the south and thanks for loving my friends!

and lastly...MUM.. as always i love you and sorry about all the headaches ive given you, there's more to come, dont worry! hhahaha

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just looove it!