

destination unknown.

my emo shit and stuff...

i cried the whole night for no reason why..
well, maybe there is, but my mind cant figure it out.
kinda pathetic, i know, but who's to blame?


its never easy for me to let go,
a lot of times when i find tears in my eyes for
things that is beyond my control.

last night, when i got home, everything that i see made me real sad. i find the whole space sooo empty. no shirts and other dirty clothes lying everywhere, no crumpled bedsheets and pillowcases, the fan and AC is on steady mode,just on me, coz no one's there to share it with, eating my late night dinner wasnt so appetizing as it used to coz no one's there to say "kain na", i cant smell any musky cologne and deo that used to make me sick, but now, my nose is longing for it.

i was left broken..

iam broken...

broken, not because he left
but because ill see him again, and i know
the next time i do, it'll never be the same...
coz this time around, each moment with him will no longer feel endless, because i know after that, reality will bite me....

he was never mine..

he will never be mine...

i want to scream from the top of my lungs.
i want him to know the feeling that is bursting inside.

but i cant...

because my heart and mind says...

"no you cant!"

im hurting..

im bleeding...

how many times i wish that i never met him,
because the thought of it is prolonging my agony.
im going insane...

really insane.

everytime i close my eyes, my mind keeps on playing a picture of him, smiling...

but when i open it, i know that his smiles are not for me.

the pain is excruciating.

take it away...Now.

for i wont last another day without him by my side.